Wednesday 23 September 2009

Non Toxic!

It was a long and tough six months but the chemo is now done.  Yee hah and much love and thanks to all the lovely staff and fellow patients on the Nick Jonas ward at Winchester, you're the best!   

It'll be a while yet before I feel my old self, I  still have a mouth dryer than a nun in a desert but I'm beginning to feel more human by the day.  It's too early to tell but I think my hair will be completely grey when it comes back which would probably be a source of much distress to most ladies of my age but could prove a boon to me because I've hankered for platinum blond hair for as long as I can remember.  At the moment there is a white dusting of fuzz all over my head .....oh please!  I'm also wondering if my taste for chocolate will come back, at the moment I can't stand to be within sight of the stuff.  It  has been interesting how the chemo has given me cravings and especially dislikes.  Not only do I go off something but I want the offending item removed from the premises?  Alas, the lack of chocolate in my life of late does not translate to a more svelte figure, I have definately packed too much to travel with.  My sense of taste has been so dulled that I have craved salt, sugar and spice.  I have also eaten out more times in the last six months than I have done in years.  I've got a belly buddha would be proud of!  Time to start thinking of getting some exercise and then maybe one day actually doing it!


1 comment:

  1. Firstly let me say congratulations on being toxic free and I hope that you got the platinum blond hair that you craved for.
    I'm a nurse in Winchester and have just read your article in "Hampshire society" magazine dated Feb 09 whilst on my break.
    I love your works! They are so clever and inspiring. I especially like the biscuits but also the very true to life nappy piece regarding mother hood.
    i hope you continue to be in good health and that your creations keep coming.
    Diane x
