Friday 22 January 2010

2010 and all that

Happy New Year!  I’m not going to expound on the possibilities of things going really well in the next twelve months,  I did that last year and boy did it go tit’s up, so to speak!


Hope you all had a lovely time over the holidays.  Mine was relatively quiet though not so that I didn’t manage to over-indulge.  There is no other time of year when it seems perfectly acceptable to have five ‘Quality Street’ for breakfast!  I weighed myself recently and of course the dial went berserk, no surprises there.  I’ve gained a stone.  Obviously I’m not proud of my achievement but by the same token it hasn’t all been my fault.  I did spend a lot of last year flat on my back feeling too tired to get any proper exercise.  On a good note the excess flab will come in handy when I have a breast construction later in the year.


I’m off to a slow start creatively but hope it’ll pick up along with the weather, which is really not helping.   I do apologise for having the slowest blog.  I keep meaning to update it but you know how it is, I go to make a cup of coffee and the next minute a month has gone by!


Stay tuned….